.. _accesslab: Access the lab =============== The Datalab provides a set of inter-linked services to enable digital scientific collaboration. Once you have :ref:`registered as a user`, you can access these services with your user credentials. After your account is created, head over to read the detailed Docs_ to learn how to authenticate and login to the lab's facilities. In short, the lab's facilities include: * `Docs`_ for detailed guidance on lab usage * `Chat`_ for lab-wide and project-specific communication * `Projects`_ for project management * `Desktop`_ for accessing the science desktop * `Support`_ to request administrative support * `Registration`_ of new users or labspaces When you are asked to authenticate to any of the lab's services, then please provide your username (of the form ``first_name.last_name``) and password. Do not share your user credentials with anybody else. If you are a ZMT staff member, then your password is the same as your ZMT account password.